Web Mapping Workshop
Welcome to this two-part web mapping workshop. Part 1 will focus on creating a basic web map using R Studio, and part 2 will cover creating web maps in Python. During the workshops, we will walk through the information and tasks detailed on these pages. Use the table of contents to navigate through the workshop.
Phil White
Earth, Environment & Geospatial Librarian
University of Colorado Boulder Libraries
Aditya Ranganath
Data Librarian
University of Colorado Boulder Libraries
- For Part 1: please install R & R Studio on your workstation, along with the ‘sf’ and ‘tmap’ packages.
- For Part 2: please install the Anaconda Python distribution, along with the ‘geopandas’ and ‘folium’ packages. We recommend using conda to install geopandas and folium rather than pip.
Download the Workshop Data!
Goal of this Workshops
The purpose of this workshop is toorient you to the basics of web maps and introduce you to developing web maps in R or Python.
Time | Content |
0:00 | Introductions & Land Acknowledgement |
0:05 | Brief Presentation: What are web maps? |
0:20 | Hands-on |
0:50 | Wrap Up/ Q&A |