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Rasterio Workshop

Welcome to the Rasterio workshop guide page. On this page you can find general information about the workshop and links to relevant documentation and materials. All of the workshop data and materials are linked below and available on GitHub.
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Phil White
Earth, Environment & Geospatial Librarian
University of Colorado Boulder Libraries

  • No prerequisites… but:
  • If you would like to complete this workshop asynchronously, you will need to install Python and Rasterio on your personal computer. I highly recommend first installing the Anaconda Python distribution, then, from a command terminal, install Rasterio by typing ‘conda install rasterio’. More info.

Download the Workshop Materials!

If you are participating in the live workshop session, downloading the workshop materials is not necessary.

Goal of this Workshops

The purpose of this workshop is to introduce you to Rasterio and it’s general operation. Rasterio is an open source Python package primarily used for input/output operations with raster data. Rasterio uses GDAL, the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. Rasterio essentially uses GDAL operations but makes it more “Pythonic”. This workshop does not replace formal GIS coursework, but will help you get started on basic GIS projects using Rasterio.


Time Content
0:00 Introductions
0:05 Land acknowledgement
0:10 What is Rasterio?
0:15 Hands on!
1:45 Wrap Up/ Q&A

Table of contents