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Compatible Data Types & Formats:

Supported Vector Data types:

Vector data example


Supported Raster Data types:

Raster image


Other Data Formats:

Adding Data… Many Ways!

For shapefiles and typical rasters, you can use the add vector or raster buttons, or simply drag and drop from your file system or the QGIS browser panel.

Add data using the Layer Manager Toolbar

…shapefiles? That’s so 90’s! Let’s add a GeoPackage layer:

  1. Click the Add Vector Layer button:Vector Button
  2. Navigate to your data, select the QGISworkshop.gpkg and click OK:
    Geopackage dialog

  3. Next, choose the layer you want to add and click OK:
    Add gpkg layer

You’re done!

Tip: You can also add data straight from the Browser by just dragging and dropping:
Add from browser