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Getting started with ArcGIS Pro:

GIS: (Geographic Information System) An integrated collection of computer software and data used to view and manage information about geographic places, analyze spatial relationships, and model spatial processes. (from A to Z GIS)



  • Esri’s help docs are excellent and are available here: ArcGIS Pro help.

Starting a project

  1. Open up Pro, sign in, and create a blank project (or start without a template)

    Setting up your project

  2. Name your project and tell Pro where to save it. Note: If you already have created a folder for your project, you can unclick the Create new folder option.

    Name your project

    Connect a GeoDataBase

  3. From the Insert tab add data folders or connect geodatabases where your data lives:

    Connect your folders

    Add a map

  4. From the Insert tab, click New Map to add a map:

    Insert a map

The ArcGIS Pro Desktop Interface:

The ArcGIS interface

Interface Tips:

  • The interface should look vaguely familiar–it is essentially a copy of Microsoft Office!
  • Tabs across the top are dynamic; some only appear when needed.
  • You may use the Map tab most often, but you’ll also use Analysis and Insert a lot.
  • Note the tabs across the far right of the Window. You’ll often find useful tools like the Catalog and Toolbox menu here, and these can be pinned for quick access.