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ArcGIS Pro Workshop

Welcome to the ArcGIS Pro workshop guide page. During the workshop, we will walk through the information and tasks detailed on these pages. Use the table of contents to navigate through the workshop.

Esri logo ArcGIS Pro icon


Phil White
Earth, Environment & Geospatial Librarian
University of Colorado Boulder Libraries

  1. Please install ArcGIS Pro on your workstation. ArcGIS Pro only works on Windows operating systems. CU Boulder affiliates can download ArcGIS Pro from OIT.
  2. Request an account with CU Boulder’s ArcGIS Online organization to enable your ArcGIS Pro license.

Download the Workshop Data!

Data Download

Goal of this Workshops

The purpose of this workshop is to orient you to the ArcGIS Pro interface and introduce you to common GIS procedures in Pro. This workshop does not replace formal GIS coursework, but will help you get started on basic GIS projects using ArcGIS Pro.


Time Content
0:00 Introductions
0:05 Land acknowledgement
0:10 A little about Esri
0:15 Hands on section
1:45 Wrap Up/ Q&A

Table of contents