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Styling and Symbolizing Data:

Quick, single-symbol styling:

  1. Start by double-clicking a layer’s symbol.
  2. Use the Symbol Selector to change a layer’s appearance:

Symbol Selector


  1. Add the Counties layer from the workshop geodatabase.
  2. Select the Counties Layer
  3. On the Appearance tab, select an option for styling, such as by unique values or graduated colors

    Appearance Tab

  4. Under Fields, select Pop_Dens from the Value menu (this corresponds with the Pop_Dens field in the attribute table)
  5. Ta da! You’ve made a choropleth map that shows population density. Hurrah!

    Symbology Tab

Changing the displayed projection

You may want to change the projection of your map for stylistic purposes

  1. Right click on Map in the Contents pane & scroll to properties
  2. Click the Coordinate Systems tab
  3. Search or scroll to find an appropriate projection for Colorado

Note: this only changes the display of your map, not the underlying coordinate system of your data layers

Snappy Map