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Analysis Tools & ArcToolbox:

Analysis toolbar:

Popular and frequently used tools are available with quick access on the Analysis tab. Spend a little time reviewing the analysis tools to see what’s available here:

  1. Need to find out how many points fall within a radius of a certain place? Buffer!
  2. Need to get rid of extra stuff? Clip it by another layer!
  3. Need to find out how many points are within a polygon? Intersect!
  4. Need to automate boring tasks? Model Builder or the Python shell!
  5. The Help menu can provide detailed descriptions of what each tool accomplishes and how to set it up.

Analysis Tab


The Analysis menu is only a small fraction of the full set of tools.

  • Open the ArcToolbox to browse the full array of geoprocessing tools:

    Tools Button

  • This will open the Geoprocessing pane

  • Most find the toolbox difficult to navigate… because it is!

  • To find tools quickly, use the Search bar on the Geoprocessing pane:

    Search for tools

Not sure what tool to use? In this case, Google is usually your best friend.